
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

~Written by Linda Grace~
{formally Linda M. Heistman}
Publicity Clerk, Old Forge
Visitor Information Center

Picture by Kurt Gardner

On Monday, we received our first significant snowfall (up to six inches in some areas). This snow was soft and not quite right for cross-country skiing yet, but Monday night’s cold temperatures created a thin layer of ice on Old Forge Pond. The frigid air is also starting to drive the frost into the ground. It got me thinking of how, very soon, we will see conditions for early season winter recreation including snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. 

The crisp, cool air brought me to life as I shoveled the snow off my front steps. I thought of how wonderful it feels to glide along on skis, breathing in clean, fresh air and taking in the snow-covered beauty of the landscape. I am longing for the side to side skating motion and the through the woods and up a hill workout. I am also looking forward to the fun of snowshoeing -- a great way to take a hike in the winter.

Picture by Michael Farmer

I pictured the well-groomed trails where many happy memories of skiing or snowshoeing have been created and will provide many more fun times ahead. I dreamed of the beautiful Thendara Golf Course with its snow globe-like, wide-open views of the sky and trees. It offers fairly easy to moderate skiing and beside-the-trail snowshoeing. It is a great spot for family recreation. 

Picture by Kurt Gardner

Maple Ridge offers the skier or snowshoer groomed trails that lead through the wonderland of snow-covered woods. The sparkling sun shining through snowy pines makes it seem like you are moving through a magical fairyland.  These trails also offer some historical interest and the terrain is up and down making this adventure a little more challenging. 

Picture by Michael Farmer

The approaching winter will soon be a reality and I have my skis and snowshoes all ready to go! How about you?